ESA 21 Instructed
ESA instructed targets personnel who will only do non electrical work where there is electrical hazards.
4 h
Custum location
Certificate Wattityd, Energiföretagen Sverige
Company-adapted, Open Oppertunities
Education ESA 21 Instructed
The education provides you who are giong to perform non elektical work in an enviromental with electrical hazards, knowledge and tools to provide electrical hazards. The education is obligatory to all who needs access/entry to workplaces wich applies ESA.
For who
The education ESA 21 Instructed tagets you who perform non- elektrical work close or inside facilities with electrical installations. Exampels including security guards, painters, cleaners and yout who inspection or mabye projekt maneger, or you who have Workenvirement responsibilities. The education addapts to your specific role and workarea.
The goil is to make understand and apply ESA to your specifik work. you will have knowledge of the hazards assiciated whit the work and the wokplace and how to orevent accidents.
After completed education, the participant must, among other things:
Understand and be able to apply the work methods.
Understand what non-electrical work is.
We educate at your location.
The elektrical hazars.
Risk management.
Safe Communication.
Panning and performence of work.
We are applying Energiföretagen learningmodell GROW wich means that the education are adapted to yours circomstanses.
No preknowledge is accouired.
Lengh of the education
The duration of the education is 6 hours of teacher-led time.
Certiefied teacher by Energiföretagen Sverige.
Certificate through Wattityd, Energiföretagen Sverige - Swedenenergy - AB.
Every 3e year.